Your gums play an important role in the health and appearance of your teeth and smile… protect them!

When Summit Dental Group in Boise, Idaho, refers to “periodontal disease therapy,” we are talking about methods to restore and keep our patients’ gums healthy. The gums surrounding our teeth protect them by providing structure and support. Additionally, these soft, pink-red tissues “frame” our teeth. Depending on the volume and appearance of the gums, they can either support or detract from an attractive and balanced-looking smile.

Man in Tooth Pain

Moreover, “therapy” to restore the gums may be unnecessary with our dentists’ proactive approach to protecting the teeth and gums. Bacterial plaque erodes the teeth and inflames the gums. Eventually, toxins that break down the gums and the supportive bone in the jaw are released. So, we partner with our patients to manage plaque build-up. It is essential to maintain professional teeth cleanings and also to be consistent in brushing and flossing your teeth and any other areas that can harbor bacteria, including the gum line, tongue, and palate. As a progressive process, gum disease can also be stopped before further damage that threatens the tooth’s integrity arises.

Moreover, “therapy” to restore the gums may be unnecessary with our dentists’ proactive approach to protecting the teeth and gums. Bacterial plaque erodes the teeth and inflames the gums. Eventually, toxins that break down the gums and the supportive bone in the jaw are released. So, we partner with our patients to manage plaque build-up. It is essential to maintain professional teeth cleanings and also to be consistent in brushing and flossing your teeth and any other areas that can harbor bacteria, including the gum line, tongue, and palate. As a progressive process, gum disease can also be stopped before further damage that threatens the tooth’s integrity arises.

Without treatment, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis. At this stage, infection may be accompanied by loose or shifting teeth, halitosis, a foul taste in the mouth, and other painful and alarming changes. More invasive periodontal procedures may be necessary to regenerate tissues and replace gums lost due to disease.

Call Summit Dental Group at (208) 314-2275. Our Boise, Idaho, team looks forward to working with you to maintain a healthy, happy smile!